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Host a Global Guest

Since 2011, 320+ TVS students and faculty have home-hosted 280+ international guests from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, England, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. During the pandemic, 80+ TVS students virtually hosted students from Germany, Hungary, Japan, Sweden, and Taiwan to keep our global connections strong.

In 2023-24, we home-hosted 28 guests from Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Scotland, & Sweden!

Join the 179 TVS families across the school and host a Global Guest this year!

F a l l   2 0 2 4  

1. HOST FOUND!  Ms. Scøtt (Denmark)will be working in the MS and US for 6 weeks and needs a host family from approximately Sept 22 - Oct 13. Hosting our International Assistant Teachers (IATs) is a perfect way for LS and MS families, especially, to host a 'big brother or sister' and to learn about another culture while sharing yours. IATs need their own rooms (but can share a bathroom), meals with the family (Global Education covers campus lunches), and rides to/from TVS with your family. They pay their hosts $100/week to offset some living expenses. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or to sign up!

2. Apply for this year's  1:1 Canadian Exchange! 2-4 sophomore girls will be selected to Host & Travel in an exchange with our partner school – Havergal College – in Toronto, Canada! HOST for 10-12 days in October and STAY with your exchange partner’s family and go to school with her in Toronto for 10-12 days in mid-February. This is a wonderful way to share your culture, experience hers, and make global friendships that can last for years. To participate, you must Host and Travel. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or APPLY HERE by Aug 25

3. Host an Australian student from our partner school! We are hoping to welcome 2-4 10th/11th grade students from Whitsunday Anglican School (Mackay, Queensland) to spend 10-14 days with us in late November - early December (before Finals). Your child does not have to be the same age as your guest. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or to sign up!

Host Parent Testimonial:

"Hosting was a great experience for all in our family, we had no bad experiences. The best was the interactions with the kids, it was non-stop fun, chatter, laughing, playing. Hosting Thanksgiving was fun to share the holiday and traditions with the boys. Celebrating Christmas and sharing in the decorating and viewing of the lights around town. Showing them the spirit of sports. All was great!"

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S p r i n g  2 0 2 5

4-7. Host an International Assistant Teacher! Hosting our IATs is a perfect way for families to host a 'big brother or sister' and to learn about another culture while sharing yours. IATs need their own rooms (but can share a bathroom), meals with the family (Global Education covers their campus lunches), and rides to/from TVS with your family. They pay their hosts $100/week to offset some living expenses. They are all fluent in English. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or to sign up for 2-3 weeks or for their whole stay!

  • Ms. Van Oosten (Dutch) approximately Jan 23 - March 10 (6 weeks; can be divided by 2 families); teaching in 7/8th grade Science, Math, and American Studies
  • Ms. Metzeke (German but attending a Danish university) approximately Jan 23 - March 10 (6 weeks; can be divided by 2 families); teaching in LS Science and 5th grade Language Arts
  • Ms. Voorhies (Danish) approximately Jan 23 - March 10 (6 weeks; can be divided by 2 families); teaching in 5/6th Social Studies and 4th Language Arts
  • Mr. Jørgensen (Danish) approximately Jan 23 - March 10 (6 weeks; can be divided by 2 families); teaching in 5/6th PE and US English

8. Help us strengthen our relationship with China by hosting one of our Upper School students or their teacher from our partner school – Beijing High School No. 4 – in Beijing! We need 10-12 TVS hosts from around mid-January to early February to welcome them into your homes, take them to/from TVS, introduce them to our school and local cultures, and learn about them. Regardless of whether you are studying Chinese (their English is great!), this will be an incredible experience for the whole family! Hosts do not have the to be same age as our guests. Thinking of sending your child on the TVS 2025 summer China/Taiwan trip? This will be a wonderful way to prepare for that, and your guest might become your child's host in Beijing!  Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or to sign up!  APPLY HERE by October 1 for the China/Taiwan trip.

9. Apply for this year's 1:1 Australian Exchange Program 2-4  9th-11th graders will be selected to Host & Travel in an exchange with our partner school – Whitsunday Anglican School – in Mackay, Australia!  HOST for 2-3 weeks in April and STAY with your exchange partner’s family and go to school with them in Mackay for 2-3 weeks in July. This is a wonderful way to share your culture, experience hers, and make global friendships that can last for years. To participate, you must Host and Travel. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or APPLY HERE by October 1.

10. Apply for this year's 1:1 Scottish Exchange Program 2-4 8th grade girls will be selected to Host & Travel in an exchange with our partner school – St. George's School for Girls – in Edinburgh, Scotland! HOST for 3 weeks in Mar/April, and STAY with your exchange partner’s family and go to school with them in Edinburgh for 3 weeks from late May - mid-June (right after classes end). This is a wonderful way to share your culture, experience theirs, and make global friendships that can last for years. To participate, you must Host and Travel. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or APPLY HERE by October 1.


CLICK HERE for more details about Hosting, including tips and answers to FAQs.

Student Host Testimonials:

This is the best program ever!

"I had only highlights. I was so happy to host even if it was only for a short while."

"Greatest experiences of my life so far. I made a lifelong friendship."

Global friendships start here.