Student Resources
At TVS, students of all ages have a variety of ways that they can connect with people from different cultures. Every year, entire grades of students connect online with kids around the world in learning projects. Additionally, families with children in PreK and up (and, in some cases, Alumni Families) are invited to host our Global Guests, and we offer Trojans Abroad Programs for students in grades 8-12 annually. There are also a variety of local and domestic programs listed here to help our students further expand their horizons and see the world through different lenses. Upper School students who participate in a number of Global/Multicultural programs at TVS and elsewhere can receive recognition for their experiences, and they are encouraged to consider diving even deeper into a topic of their choice by participating in the Global/Multicultural Signature Program.
Use the links below for details about these programs, awards, and opportunities or reach out to Dr. Roemer anytime to learn more!
- Recent Upper School Announcements
- Host a Global Guest
- Trojans Abroad Programs
- Stephen Seleny Travel Endowment Application
- Local Camps & Programs
- TVS Global Citizenship Award
- TVS Multicultural Goodwill Ambassador Certificate
Recent Upper School Announcements
Some recent announcements/opportunities include:
- Looking for volunteer opportunities with a multicultural theme? Contact Dr. Roemer about volunteering after school at the International Newcomer Academy (for newly arrived immigrants and refugees to Fort Worth). Must be at least 18.
- TVS Upper School Clubs/Committees you might be interested in joining this year: (email Dr. Roemer for more details)
- JWAC (Jr. World Affairs Council--discuss international topics, present/learn about student interests, attend expert talks, compete in the Academic WorldQuest competition...). Below are some OFF-CAMPUS Opportunities:
- Nov 13 8:15AM - 2:30PM International Career Day. To attend, see Dr. Roemer (LIMIT 6)
- Nov 20 6:30-8PM ZOOM JWAC Discussion "Nigeria: The giant of Africa" (School sponsor: Lake Highlands) REGISTER HERE
- Dec 14 10-11:30AM ZOOM JWAC Leadership "Free speech" REGISTER HERE
- Dec 17 6:30-8PM ZOOM JWAC Discussion "Literacy, tool of democracy" (Sponsor school: Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy) REGISTER HERE
- Jan 28 9AM - 1:30PM PwC Academic World Quest competition (@ UTA). EMAIL Dr. Roemer or Mr. Scott to sign up!
- Student Committee (Help plan Multicultural Moments in Assemblies, discuss ways to improve the TVS experience towards the goal of creating a place of belonging for all students)
- Environmental Club (get active in the FW community and learn more about how you can make positive differences for our environment)
- Unity Club (discuss a wide variety of social issues--domestic and abroad)
- JWAC (Jr. World Affairs Council--discuss international topics, present/learn about student interests, attend expert talks, compete in the Academic WorldQuest competition...). Below are some OFF-CAMPUS Opportunities:
Host a Global Guest
TVS families are invited to host 1-2 students/adults at a time from one or more of these countries. Guests need a place to sleep, rides to/from school with your children, some meals with your family (Global Education covers their campus lunches), and a family open to sharing our culture and learning about their guest's). See below for details and contact Dr. Roemer to host!
In 2023-24, 15 TVS Host Families home-hosted 28 guests from Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Scotland, & Sweden!
Student Host Testimonials:
“This is the best program ever!”
"I had only highlights. I was so happy to host even if it was only for a short while."
"Greatest experiences of my life so far. I made a lifelong friendship."
F a l l 2 0 2 4
1. HOST FOUND! Ms. Scøtt (Denmark) will be working in the MS and US for 6 weeks and needs a host family from approximately Sept 22 - Oct 13.
2. Congrats to Avery Ewing and Kaylee Crain for being selected for our Canada 1:1 Exchange! They will Host & Travel in an exchange with our partner school – Havergal College – in Toronto, Canada!
This is an annual exchange for 10th grade girls.
S p r i n g 2 0 2 5
3-6. Host an International Assistant Teacher! Hosting our IATs is a perfect way for families to host a 'big brother or sister' and to learn about another culture while sharing yours. IATs need their own rooms (but can share a bathroom), meals with the family (Global Education covers their campus lunches), and rides to/from TVS with your family. They pay their hosts $100/week to offset some living expenses. They are all fluent in English. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or to sign up for 2-3 weeks or for their whole stay!
- HOST FOUND! Ms. Van Oosten (Dutch) approximately Jan 25 - March 10; teaching in 7/8th grade Science, Math, and American Studies
- Ms. Metzele (German but attending a Danish university) approximately Jan 25 - Feb 15 (3 weeks); teaching in LS Science and 5th grade Language Arts
- HOST FOUND! Ms. Voorhies (Danish) approximately Jan 25 - March 10 (6 weeks; can be divided by 2 families); teaching in 5/6th Social Studies and 4th Language Arts
- HOSTS FOUND! Mr. Jørgensen (Danish) approximately Jan 25 - March 10 (6 weeks; can be divided by 2 families); teaching in 5/6th PE and US English
7. Help us strengthen our relationship with China by hosting one of our Upper School students or their teacher from our partner school – Beijing High School No. 4 – in Beijing! We just need 5 TVS hosts from around January 11-25 to welcome them into your homes, take them to/from TVS, introduce them to our school and local cultures, and learn about them. You do NOT need to speak Chinese to host (but if your studying it, this will help!), and Hosts do NOT have the to be same age as our guests. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or to sign up!
8. Host an Australian Visiting student or teacher! We expect to have 2-3 students and a teacher from our partner school stay with us from about April 5-25. This is a wonderful way to share your culture, experience theirs, and make global friendships that can last for years. Contact Dr. Roemer to learn more or to sign up!
9. Congrats to this year's 1:1 Scottish Exchange Program students, Hampton Collier and Janie Roberts! They will be hosting students from our partner school – St. George's School for Girls – in Edinburgh, Scotland for 3 weeks in April/May, and staying with their exchange partner’s family and going to school with them in Edinburgh from for three weeks after TVS classes end.
This is an annual exchange for 8th grade girls.
CLICK HERE for more details about Hosting, including tips and answers to FAQs.
Host Parent Testimonial:
"Hosting was a great experience for all in our family, we had no bad experiences. The best was the interactions with the kids, it was non-stop fun, chatter, laughing, playing. Hosting Thanksgiving was fun to share the holiday and traditions with the boys. Celebrating Christmas and sharing in the decorating and viewing of the lights around town. Showing them the spirit of sports. All was great!"
Trojans Abroad Programs
In support of TVS’ Missions of “the development of wide constructive interests” and “intelligent citizenship” and TVS' Global Education goals of global competency for all our students in Self-awareness, Empathy, Cross-cultural Communication, and Cross-cultural Understanding, each year we offer Trojans Abroad Programs to get our students out of their comfort zones, gain independence, practice cross-communication skills, and to see the world through different lenses. Scroll down to see what TVS offers and other programs run by reputable third parties.
Student Testimonials
"It was my first time out of the country and it was amazing!"
(TVS Japan Program 2024)
"You will learn a ton of things about another culture that can’t really be taught in a classroom while you are abroad with TVS. You will have a good fun/learning balance. You will get to experience these new cultures with a group of peers and friends from TVS."
(TVS Holocaust & Human Rights Program - Germany/Poland 2024)
**The deadlines for all Trojans Abroad Programs for 2025 have passed. CLICK HERE for non-TVS programs that TVS students have participated on and have loved.
1:1 Ambassador Exchanges in Australia, Canada, & Scotland -- THESE ARE ANNUAL EXCHANGES
- Canada: 10th grade girls; 2-4 students; HOST a student from our partner school 10-12 days in October and STAY with the same student's family and experience school in Toronto from for 10-12 days in mid-February (school absences are excused); approx. travel costs: $1000. APPLY HERE by Sept 6.
- Australia: 9-10th graders; 2-4 students; HOST a student from our partner school (Whitsunday Anglican School, Mackay, Queensland) for 3 weeks in April and STAY with the same student's family and experience school in Mackay for 3 weeks in July; approx. travel costs: $2500-2800, depending on the number of participants. APPLY HERE by Oct 1.
- Scotland: 8th grade girls; 2-4 students max; HOST a student from our partner school for 3 weeks in April and STAY with the same student's family and experience school in Edinburgh from about May 25 - June 15; approx. travel costs: $2100-2500, depending on the number of participants; APPLY HERE by Oct 1.
China/Taiwan Culture/Language Program
- Experience the diversity of histories and cultures of Taiwan and mainland China
- Visit historic sites and lesser known destinations in Taipei, Pingtung, Beijing, X'ian, and (possibly) Fort Worth's Sister City of Guiyang
- Stay with host families from our partner schools in Pingtung, Taiwan and Beijing, China to experience daily life and school abroad (we will stay in hotels in other cities)
- Practice your Chinese language skills or start learning (you do not need to be studying Chinese to participate)
- Approx. dates: May 25 - June 10 (~15 days); 8-11th grade students are eligible; 16 students max.
- Approx. cost: $4500-4700, depending on the number of participants (includes airfare, hotels, insurance, all meals, activities, local transportation, etc--everything but souvenirs and snacks)
- APPLY HERE by Oct 1.
CLICK HERE for non-TVS programs that TVS students have participated on and have loved.
Student Testimonials
"It was very fun going abroad and staying with a family. They were very nice and fun to be around. Hosting was also very fun because it let me show off Fort Worth to my exchange partner and she got to meet my friends." (TVS Scottish 1:1 Exchange)
"Global connections are wonderful to have. I have a new family that I communicate with every day. My language skills improved immeasurably." (TVS Spain Language/Culture Program)
Stephen Seleny Travel Endowment Application
Apply for funding
Application for financial assistance is open to current 8th-11th grade TVS students in good academic and disciplinary standing and is for all TVS Trojans Abroad & TOE Beyond International Programs. TVS families who are currently receiving Financial Aid for tuition are especially invited to apply; however, the Committee will consider all applications.
Students are eligible to apply for funding for only one TVS Travel Program per year.
As with tuition, TVS believes that the family should bear primary responsibility for the cost of any TVS Travel Program. However, this endowment allows us to provide limited funds to a small number of students.
The amount of financial support that applicants may receive depends on:
- the total annual budget for the Endowment, which will vary from year to year;
- the number of students applying for assistance;
- the age of applicants (older students may have priority);
- the cost of the trip for which the applicant is applying; and
- the applicant's personal statement and financial need based on the family's most recent 1040, TVS financial aid award, or other relevant information provided (all due at time of application).
In general, the maximum amount of support per applicant will range from $500-$2,000, depending on the above factors.
Applications are due to Kiley Brannon (TVS Main Office) by the Trip Application Deadline (CLICK HERE for details), regardless of when trip program sign ups or applications are due. LATE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MIGHT NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR AN AWARD.
All information submitted will be kept confidential and will only be used to assess your need for a TVS Travel Program. Decisions for aid will be made by a committee, including the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, the Chief Financial Officer, the Director of Global Education, Director of TOE, Division Heads and/or the Assistant Head of School.
Before accessing the online application, please know or prepare the following information:
- the approximate cost of the Travel Program (see Trojans Abroad Programs);
- the maximum amount you and your family can contribute towards the Program; and
- the amount of funding you expect from other sources (e.g., family gifts, money from babysitting or part-time work, etc.)
STEP 1: If you are currently receiving financial assistance at TVS, you only need to complete the online application by Trip Application Deadline.
If you are NOT currently receiving financial assistance at TVS, by the Trip Application Deadline submit a copy of the front page of your family's most recent 1040 Federal Tax Return and any other documentation you wish to explain your situation (including a letter from a parent/legal guardian) and your need. Submit all documents in a sealed envelope to Kiley Brannon in the front office. If parents/guardians are separated or divorced, submit forms for all parents/legal guardians with custody of the applicant (including step-parents who bear financial responsibility for the applicant).
STEP 2: Complete the online application by Trip Application Deadline.
STEP 1: Communicate clearly with the Global Education Dir. by the deadline given whether you will accept the award and commit to the program.
STEP 2: Complete and turn in all program forms on time, including:
- original (not photocopy) TVS Waiver/Indemnification form,
- original (not photocopy) Student Agreement Form,
- passport photocopy (if required),
- deposit/funds due (less your award); and
- any online registration required by third party trip programs (e.g., Grand Classroom, Prometour, etc.)
To protect the identity of each applicant and recipient, names will not be announced to the community.
Local Camps & Programs
Camp CommUNITY
Multicultural Alliance. Students from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and options come together for a 5-day sleep away camp focusing on leadership and social change. For 10-12th grades (at time of application); advanced registration around May 1. Camp dates: late June; Cost: approx. $325 (financial aid available)
International Global Leaders in Action
Fort Worth Sister Cities International 10-day program focusing on making international friends and gaining leadership skills. Upper School (For current 9-12th grades; applications due in March (includes Teacher Recommendations); program dates July; Cost: approx. $750
Fort Worth Youth International
Join the Youth Board for Fort Worth Sister Cities International and get involved in their activities while meeting people from around the world. Excellent community service opportunities! To get involved on the Youth Board, check the FW Sister Cities calendar for open events for students.
TVS Global Citizenship Award
This award recognizes one or more seniors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership through cross-cultural understandings of people and countries from around the world. Past recipients have proven to be conscientious global citizens through self-awareness, empathy, and actions during their Upper School years, such as programmatic travel to foreign countries, advanced cross-cultural communication skills, hosting or being hosted by people from other countries, and leadership in TVS clubs and other domestic international programs. Contact Dr. Roemer to nominate a student, yourself, or a friend.
Past Recipients:
- 2014: Zach Harris, Anne Jacobs, & Mandy Miller
- 2015: Stephanie Bell
- 2016: Margaret Murray, Siva Paladugu, & Aniqa Premjee
- 2017: Grace Beasley
- 2018: Allison Byrd, Kamryn Dow, & Sarah Shamai
- 2019: Ananya Vennam
- 2020: Piper Duncan, David Fauber, Saleem Razack, Anna Stupfel, & Hayden Ullmann
- 2021: Deborah Carreno, Ellie Davis, Rowen Kliethermes, & Jacob Levy
- 2022: Ariana George, Mark Hart, Grace McCurdy, & Gianna Razack
- 2023: Tatum Duncan
- 2024: Ari Ahdieh, Grace Hackworth, Emerson Smith
TVS Multicultural Goodwill Ambassador Certificate
This certificate recognizes Upper School students who have shown a commitment to improving our community’s understanding of, and who have had repeated interactions with, people from different cultures. Contact Dr. Roemer to nominate yourself or a friend. New and repeat award recipients must have participated in at least three new programs/activities each year (since May of the previous year):
- Successfully completed (or nearly completed) the highest level of world language study offered at TVS or approved online course;
- Able to converse with fluency or near fluency in more than one language;
- Traveled/Studied for at least 8 days in a foreign country on a formal program;
- Hosted or was hosted by one or more individuals from abroad;
- Participated in a local or domestic international program;
- Participated in a multi-day Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) training program on or off-campus (e.g., SDLC or Tearing Down Walls);
- Participated in at least 2 one-day Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) training programs on or off-campus (e.g., Radical Hope, MLK Day training);
- Led a DEI training for the TVS community (e.g., Trojan Day);
- Active member of an international club (e.g., Jr. World Affairs Council, International Food Club, etc.),
- Active member of a DEI-related club (e.g., Unity Club, GSA, Student DEI Committee) Completed volunteer work in another country;
- Made a formal presentation in the MS or LS (assembly or class) or at an Upper School assembly to improve awareness on campus about an international or multicultural topic;
- Led at least 2 Multicultural Moments in assemblies;
- Successfully completed (or nearly completed) coursework on advanced international/multicultural topics (e.g., AP European History; AP Human Geography, AP World History, Ways of Knowing, Religion in Culture, Social Justice, Modern Asia, Global Leadership, etc.);
- Volunteered at an International/Multicultural Fair (TVS or elsewhere);
- and Other (contact Dr. Roemer for other suggestions).
Global friendships start here.