


Upcoming Trojans Abroad Programs


Due to the on-going COVID19-related travel restrictions, the unpredictability of travel this summer, and increased risks involved in international travel caused by the pandemic, TVS will not be leading students abroad this summer.

However, we have planned 2 new exciting domestic programs that are sure to offer incredible learning experiences for our students. Register below today!

**To learn about financial aid for Trojans Abroad Programs, CLICK HERE.

Possible Future Trips

2023 Planned trips

  1. 1:1 Ambassador Exchanges in Australia (4-6; 9-10th graders) & Scotland (4-6; 8th grade girls exchange)
  2. Japan: Beyond War & Peace (20; 9-11th graders)
  3. Spain History / Language / Homestay (20; 9-11th graders)
  4. Costa Rica TOE Beyond (25; 9-11th graders)


  1. 1:1 Ambassador Exchanges in Australia & Scotland
  2. Austria TOE Beyond
  3. England Shakespeare / British Theatre
  4. Morocco Culture / History Program
  5. China Language / Culture / Homestay

Global friendships start here.