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Academic Support

Program Overview

Anna Ross with student

Trinity Valley students are intellectually curious, imaginative, versatile, and caring. They persist through challenges – per aspera ad astra – to achieve their goals. The Academic Services program at TVS exists to champion the strengths of neurodivergent students and to support their unique needs through a team-based approach involving students, their families, faculty, staff, and other experts.

Faculty, administrators, parents, and counselors partner at each division level to identify students who may benefit from educational testing that clarifies their strengths and needs. If a student is diagnosed with a learning difference, a Student Learning Plan with accommodations results.

Student Learning Plans serve as a foundational guide for learning support and may qualify students for parallel accommodations on standardized tests as well as TVS assessments; however, it is the ongoing engagement of students, teachers, and families that achieves the desired goals of learning, growth, and confidence.

Trinity Valley School’s philosophy is that teachers are the first and best resource for students in need of learning support. With some exceptions, learning support primarily takes place in classrooms. Academic Services personnel supplement the role of classroom teachers by facilitating individual interventions for students, providing professional development for faculty and staff, partnering with families as needed to monitor student progress, or acting as liaisons among members of a student’s “team.”

Understanding that students are whole people and that mental health plays a vital role in their overall wellbeing, Academic Services relies heavily upon the expertise of our division counselors to inform Student Learning Plans and ongoing support, drawing also upon the input of our health and wellness teams as needs arise.

Trinity Valley School is a nurturing community with support structures embedded in our standard curriculum, many of which may prove especially beneficial to neurodivergent students. 

Examples include:

  • Opportunities for attention re-sets, outdoor recreation, and unstructured play time/peer interaction through Brain Breaks (LS), Recess (MS), and Independent Period (US)

  • Academic and social-emotional oversight/guidance from a caring adult via weekly Middle & Upper School Advisory Programs

  • 1:1 technology in Middle & Upper Schools, including assistive technology features

  • Online learning management systems Seesaw (LS) and Canvas (MS/US) that enable parents/guardians to support students’ time management and study skills, providing access also to immediate feedback 

  • Guidance lessons from division counselors that promote self-awareness, self-regulation, and prosocial behaviors

  • Support for executive functioning skills through Skills for Tomorrow and MindMakers (MS)


Anna Ross. Academic Services Coordinator

Anna Ross
Academic Support Coordinator


Karen Knight. Middle & Upper School Academic Support Specialist

Karen Knight
Middle & Upper School Academic Support Specialist


Shelbea Malik. Lower School Academic Support Specialist

Shelbea Malik
Lower School Academic Support Specialist
