Trojan Booster Club
The Trojan Booster Club is an organization within the TVS Parents’ Club for the support of all Trinity Valley School athletes in grades PK-12. The purpose of the Trojan Booster Club is to support and promote all of the athletic and physical-education programs at Trinity Valley and to develop a sense of school spirit and tradition. Trinity Valley is the fifth-smallest school out of the 16 schools belonging to the Southwest Preparatory Conference (SPC), yet we field more than 60 boys’ and girls’ teams at the middle- and high-school levels. We are all proud of the successes that our student athletes will experience. Our athletes succeed because of the incredible support they receive from the entire TVS family - parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, and friends.
2024-2025 Booster Club Members
Caroline & Tappan Bailey
Erin & Brett Barnes
The Bibb Family
Chelsea Blackmon
The Blumenfeld Family
Robert Boulware
Jessica Brigati & Mike Malloy
Jana & Doug Brooks
The Bulaich Family
The Chaney Family
Audrey & Sam Davis
The Doswell Family
Dr. Christopher Garrett & Diana Britton-Garrett
Susan & Rick Genovese
The Gupta Family
The Hegi Family
Melissa & Ben Hoskins
Jennifer & David Kostohryz
The Lane Family
Tandra & Jeremy Langford
Lily & Andre Le
Alicia & Craig Lesok
Lea & Joby Lewis
Jamie & Marcus Mainord
Allison & Scott McKnight
Tracy & Chad McLawhorn
Laura & Tod Miller
The Mulvaney Family
Jennifer & David Nickels
Joe & Sal Regan
The Rosell Family
The Steadman Family
Nicole & Jeremy Watkins
The Aasletten Family
Anna Boulware
The Cantey Family
Janie & Steve Christie
Katie & Jay Danzi
Adrianne & Adam Deem
The Fewins Family
The Goggans Family
Debbie & Scott Horton
The Johnston Family
The King Family
Kellie & Maxwell Lea
The Martin Family
Laura & Rob Moore
Leslie & Will Palmer
The Rucker Family
The Sable Family
Sarah & Bill Scott
The Selkirk Family
Nichole & David Shipman
Emily & J.B. Strong
Sonya & Amar Tanna
The Trigger Family
The Bebee Family
The Bekish Family
Susie & Norm Bulaich
Megan & Matthew Deen
The Engel Family
The Fulghum Family
The Fleischauer Family
The Garsek Family
The Glynn Family
Stacie & Marc Goldman
Stacy & George Grau
The Heydenburk Family
Andreé & Tate Kale
Theresa & Phil Kauffman
The Kirwan Family
The McClure Family
The McIntyre Family
Megan Schmidt & Jonathan Nedrelow
The Nowell Family
The Penny Family
The Robertson Family
The Schmid Family
The Schneiderman Family
The St. Peter Family
Brian & Kristian Tucker
Kristin Tucker
Susie & Robert Ursprung
Emily & Brian White
The Willmann Family
The Wolman Family
The Zavala Family
The Barham Family
Nick & Nicole Bettinger
The Bumgardner Family
Carol Ann & Dominic Casagrande
Mary & Anthony Cole
The Costanza Family
Stacy & Steve Hamilton
The Hidalgo Family
The Ho Family
Latoyer Houston
Telesa & Patrick Jones
Amanda & Andy Lewis
The Lynch Faily
Erika & Dan McCarthy
Malia & Eddie Montague
Alicia & FH Trey Moore
Libby & Chris Moore
The Muckleroy Family
Donna & Mark Nodson
Mary Catherine & Chad Parsons
Melanie & Patrick Pate
The Payne Family
Jennie Mastin Rogers
The Smid Family
The Spalla Family
The Spence Family
The Young Family
2024-2025 Booster Club
- Membership: Angie Bulaich
- Concessions: LaToyer Houston (co- Christina Costanza)
- Merchandising/Spirit Shop: Emily Miller (co- Emily White/ Madison Muckleroy)
- Events: Jerry St. Peter (co- Jim Glynn)
Recently Funded Projects
- New scoring tables for both gyms
- 2 new medical/multipurpose carts for athletic training staff and coaches
- New and improved pitching matching for baseball
- 2 new volleyball stands and net systems
- New state of the art large ice bath system... available for all athletes
- Major contribution to the remodeling of the fitness center
- New uniforms and equipment for all teams
A speaker series for our athletes featuring a mental training expert and a female athlete motivational speaker
New divisional safety netting to protect our spectators and community
Additions to the Fitness Center’s weight room and training room
Music systems for our varsity locker rooms
Protective equipment and travel gear for multiple sports
(adopted August 18, 2014)
Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the Trojan Booster Club (hereinafter referred to as “TBC”).
Section 2. “TBC” is an affiliated subsidiary organization of the Trinity Valley School Parents Club (“Parents Club”) and is under the jurisdiction of the Trinity Valley School Board of Trustees (“Trustees”).
Section 3. The Purposes of TBC are to support and promote all athletic and physical education programs and to develop a sense of school spirit and tradition at Trinity Valley School (“TVS”). TBC shall not make TVS athletic policies and procedures, but through its various committees shall endeavor to enlist and develop the support and participation of all TVS families in all athletic and physical education programs which the members recognize to be a vital part of the mission of TVS.
Section 1. TBC membership is open to any person who is a parent, grandparent, alumni, teacher or friend of TVS with an interest in supporting the athletic teams and physical education programs of TVS.
Section 2. The annual membership fee shall be established each year by the TBC Board of Directors (the “Board”) prior to the start of each new school year. The Board may establish more than one level of membership. Membership fees shall be paid annually and shall become payable upon joining TBC at anytime during the school year.
Section 3. TBC membership entitles each family member, upon payment of the annual membership fee, to free admission to all home athletic events
Section 4. The general membership of TBC shall conduct its Annual Meeting in May of each school year. At this Annual Meeting topics consistent with the Purposes of TBC shall be discussed. The President of the Board shall give notice to the general membership of the annual meeting’s date and agenda.
Section 1. All business affairs of TBC shall be conducted by its Board of Directors (“Board”).
Section 2. Members of the Board shall consist of the following persons:
a. TBC Executive Officers comprised of the following four (4) individuals: President, Vice President, Secretary - Treasurer and Immediate Past President;
b. Standing Committee Chairpersons;
c. TVS Athletic Director or his/her staff representative in attendance for the Athletic Director;
d. One (1) All Sports Team Representative as defined herein;
e. TVS Senior Male Athlete;
f. TVS Senior Female Athlete; and
g. Physical Education Liaison.
h. Middle School Parent Representative; and
i. Lower School Parent Representative
Section 3 . The duties of the Board shall be:
a. to transact all necessary business in the furtherance of the Purposes of TBC;
b. to formulate and establish plans of action for recommendation to TBC; and
c. to present regular reports to TBC and to the Parent Club as herein described.
Section 4. The Board shall meet a least four (4) times during each school year. One (1) meeting shall be held before the start of each TVS sports season which is defined as “Fall” “Winter” and “Spring” and a final meeting in May of each school year. The May meeting shall be conducted at the same time, or immediately following, the Annual Meeting of the general membership. Issues to be discussed shall be presented to a TBC Executive Officer or the All Sports Team Representative in writing no later than ten (10) calendar days before each meeting. An agenda with items to be discussed will be set and sent to all Board members and each TBC committee member for review. With approval of the Board President or any other Executive Officer in charge of a called meeting, additional items may be added to the meeting’s agenda if meeting time permits and such matter to be added is of importance to the Board that delay until the next meeting would be unreasonable. All meetings shall be chaired by the President and in his/her absence, by the Vice President or Secretary-Treasurer when the Vice President is unable to serve. No Board business or vote may take place unless a majority of the Board members are present at said meeting. For monetary requests greater than $1,000.00 such requests must be in writing and presented to a TBC Executive Officer no later than ten (10) calendar days before the next scheduled Board meeting.
Section 5. No matter may be voted upon by the Board unless there is a majority number of Board members present at the meeting. A decision by the Board must receive the approval votes of a majority of Board members voting. Each member of the Board shall have one vote on all matters presented to the Board for a vote. In order to vote on any issue, Board members may vote in person or by written proxy given to the President in advance of the meeting; however, no business may be conducted unless there are a majority number of Board members physically present at a called meeting. Additionally no Board member may vote, in person or by proxy, unless said Board member has paid his/her current annual TBC membership fee save and except such fee requirement is waived for the Athletic Director, its staff representative, the TVS Senior Male Athlete and the TVS Senior Female Athlete. Unless otherwise provide herein, no matter or topic related to the affairs of TBC may be considered unless a majority of Board members are physically present at a meeting. A majority of votes cast at a meeting of the Board shall control the decision on issues which are submitted for a Board vote. Additionally a financial budget for the TBC year shall be presented to the Board at the first meeting before the Fall sports’ season and shall be considered by a majority of the Board in attendance and may be approved by a majority of the Board members voting, either in person or by written proxy.
Section 1. At the May Board meeting, or at anytime a vacancy shall occur, the Board shall elect for one(1) year terms the following officers who shall have the duties and responsibilities as specified herein: President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. The Immediate Past President shall serve as an officer but does not need to be elected. These four (4) positions of the Board shall be herein referred to as “Executive Officers”. Elections of Executive Officers, save and except the position of Immediate Past President, shall take place during the May meeting of each school year. Officers elected at the May meeting shall begin their term of office at the end of the school term. No officer shall be eligible to hold the same office for more than two successive terms. The Vice President shall also serve as President Elect of TBC for the following school year and the election of the President by the Board is only necessary in case of a vacancy of the President Elect position or resignation of the existing President to his/her current term of office.
Section 2. The President shall preside at all TBC and Board meetings. The President shall also represent TBC on the Board of Directors of the Parents Club (“Parents Club Board”) and shall report to the Parents’ Club Board and membership all activities of TBC as requested, including the presentation of the Secretary-Treasurer’s financial report. The President shall appoint the chairperson of each Standing Committee and Team Parent after consultation with the Athletic Director and/or its delegated representative. The President shall draft the agenda for each meeting. In the event the President is unable to perform any of the above duties, the duties shall be performed by the Vice-President and in the absence of the Vice President the Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall perform such duties as directed by the President in his/her absence. Unless otherwise noted, the Vice-President shall be the President for the succeeding school year (“President Elect”) and shall be responsible for planning for the following year and continuity of TBC policies and activities from one year to the next including the selection of the succeeding standing committee chairpersons and team parents.
Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of the proceeding of all regular Board meetings; shall conduct all necessary correspondence for TBC; shall use best efforts to keep and maintain all record of membership, financial and other records of TBC however recognizing that such information is maintained and prepared by TVS personnel only. The Secretary-Treasurer shall use best efforts in working with the TVS Chief Financial officer or its designate to obtain a current financial balance sheet and statement of TBC before each schedule meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall assist the President in preparing a report to be submitted to the Parents’ Club during their respective Board meeting.
Section 5. The Immediate Past President shall advise the Board and participate as an active member of the Board. The Immediate Past President may be called upon to serve in other capacities as needed by the Board.
Section 6. The Executive Committee of the TBC shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer and Immediate Past President. The Executive Committee shall work closely with the Athletic Director and obtain the advice and counsel of the Athletic Director as necessary. The Executive Committee is authorized to carry out the directives and decisions of the Board and to transact all necessary TBC business in the intervals between TBC Board Meetings. This shall include any emergency or unusual situations which may arise between scheduled Board meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary to formulate and establish plans of action for recommendation to the Board, to prepare regular reports to the TBC membership and Board at any scheduled meetings, to submit proposals for all activities deemed advisable and to formulate all general polices for consideration by the Board. The Executive Committee has the additional responsibility of formulating a budget for the respective school year. Members of the Executive Committee may act by vote of a majority and need not be present to vote.
Section 1. The following committees of the TBC are established and designated as TBC Standing Committees:
Special Events
Physical Education Liaison
Other committees as determined by the Board
Section 2. Chairpersons of each Standing Committee shall be appointed by the President, in consultation with the Athletic Director.
Section 3. Chairpersons of each Standing Committee shall serve as a voting member of the Board, as long as said person is current in payment of his/her annual membership fee.
Section 4. The duty of each Chairperson shall coincide with the reasonable duties of their specific committee with additional duties assigned by the President and Executive Committee.
Section 5. The Senior Male Student Athlete and the Senior Female Student Athlete shall be voting members of the Board. Such persons shall be appointed to the Board by the President and Athletic Director in consultation with the athletic department coaching staff. Such designated persons shall be representative of the TVS student body.
Section 6. Annual membership fees are not required to be paid by the persons fulfilling duties as the Senior Male Student Athlete and Senior Female Student Athlete and if a school teacher or other staff member serves as the Physical Education Liaison, then such person shall not be required to pay the annual membership fee.
Section 1. These persons shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and the Athletic Director in consultation with his/her specific sports staff. Sports teams shall include all cheerleading teams. Such designated person must be the parent of a member of the TVS varsity team for that sport. The same person may not be the Team Parent of more than two sports teams at the same time. Team Parents shall perform the following duties and responsibilities: meeting with coaches, parents, and staff as necessary to act as a parent liaison between the athletic team they represent and the TBC Board; reporting to the President in advance of each Board meeting as necessary to keep the Board informed of activities during that sport’s season; acting as a clearinghouse for all team information and team events including any team extracurricular social activities; attending as desired each Board meeting whether in or out of season; to cultivate and develop a successor team parent . Team Parents are the advocates for each sport and will organize the parents of the team members, if necessary, in order to determine team needs, and communicate these needs with the TVS Athletic Director and if necessary with the Board. If additional advice or support is needed Team Parents are encouraged to bring such need to the Board’s attention as soon as practical and hopefully before each scheduled TBC Board meeting. Team Parents are chosen not to be coaching advisors or grievance arbitrators but are in a sense their respective sports’ head cheerleader.
Section 2. Team Parents shall not be voting members of the Board.
Section 3. Team Parents shall be appointed for all varsity athletic teams before the start of each varsity sport season. With the assistance of all coaching staff, the Athletic Department and the Executive Committee of the Board, Team Parents shall use best efforts to appoint a Team Parent for any junior varsity team for their particular sport.
Section 4. It is strongly encouraged that these persons be chosen for their enthusiasm and desire to promote and develop TVS sports to the maximum enjoyment for all the players and fans.
Section 5. The All Teams Sports Representative shall be nominated and elected by Varsity Team Sports Parents during the May meeting for the succeeding school year. If no consensus can be made by the Team Parents then such appointment can be made by the Executive Committee. The All Teams Sports Representative will be a member of the Board and shall vote on behalf of all Varsity Team Sports parents. The All Team Sports Representative must have a child playing on a varsity team sport for the year such person is elected to serve.
Section 1. The President shall have the ultimate responsibility for the collection of, accounting for, and preparation of records for all funds and monies belonging to the TBC. Assisting the President with this task shall be the Secretary-Treasurer and the TVS Chief Financial Officer or its designee. At each Board meeting the President shall deliver a financial report reflecting the current and year-to-date financial position of the TBC. The Chief Financial Officer or its designee shall provide the Secretary-Treasurer and the President current and accurate records no later than seven days before a scheduled Board meeting. Funding requests shall be made in writing no later than ten (10) calendar days before any scheduled Board meeting. These requests shall be part of the agenda for discussion and will be submitted to the Board for a vote. Unless stated otherwise these requests shall be approved by the Board. All funds collected from any concessions, membership dues, sales of merchandise, fund-raisers, and donations shall be deposited with the Chief Financial Officer or its designee in a timely manner and invested for the specific account of the TBC.
Section 2. All expenditures shall be made by the TVS Business office from TBC accounts against receipts or invoices presented. No advancement of funds greater than $1,000.00 shall be made. There are times when a Team Parent, Chairperson of a Standing Committee or a specific Athletic Team needs funds to be advanced for change or to make purchases. Two categories of expenditures of TBC funds are approved by this Charter: (a) Advance Authorized Expenditures and (b) Athletic Directors’ Supplementary Budget.
(a) Advance Authorized Expenditures: All expenditures of TBC funds shall be approved by the Board as set forth herein. All requests for TBC funding shall be made in writing to the President no later than ten (10) days before the next scheduled meeting of the Board. Each request shall specify 1) the cost of the item or items to be purchased; 2) a statement of need; 3) alternative products considered or bids received and 4) an explanation of why the request cannot be funded from the TVS Operating Budget. All written request shall be summarized and included on the agenda for discussion at the next scheduled meeting of the TBC Board. These funding requests will be discussed at this meeting and approved by a majority of the Board attending or by way proxy.
(b). Athletic Directors Supplementary Budget: The Board shall establish an amount at the Fall Board meeting to be used by the Athletic Director to supplement the TVS Athletic Department Budget for each school year. This amount shall not exceed 10% of the TBC Budget (excluding specific capital gifts). This Supplementary Budget may be expended by the Athletic Director to support the TVS athletic programs at his discretion and may be divided among any sport or season he deems necessary. The Athletic Director shall report all such expenditures and their respective purposes to the President and Secretary-Treasurer not later than seven days prior to the next meeting of the TBC Board. These items will be made part of the next meeting’s minutes as a matter of record.
Section 1. It is required for Trojan Booster Club membership that all individuals follow the Southwest Preparatory Conference (“SPC”) Sportsmanship Guidelines for fans, spectators, and parents. These guidelines specifically state that: “Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (“ISAS”) will not tolerate at their athletic contests any spectator, either student or adult, whose behavior is disrespectful towards player, officials, coaches, or other spectators. Nor will ISAS schools permit any type of spectator behavior that either detracts for the proper conduct of the game of disadvantages a player or team.” More specific Sportsmanship Guidelines can be found on the TVS and SPC websites and all members are encouraged to review such guidelines.
Section 1. This Charter and Bylaws may be amended at any time by the approval of the vote of 2/3 of the Board. Any amendments must be submitted to the Parents’ Club Board for approval before such amendments shall be effective.
These Charter and Bylaws were unanimously approved and adopted by the TBC Board on September 14, 2011.