Welcome to TVS Dance!
We offer high-quality programs for Grades PreK-12 in four primary dance styles: ballet, lyrical, jazz, and hip hop.
Broadly, our structure is as follows:
PreK Dance, Kinder Dance = introductory programs
Levels 1-2 = skill-building programs for Grades 1-4 in ballet / lyrical, jazz, and hip hop
Level 3 = advanced skill-building programs for Grades 5-8 in ballet, lyrical, and jazz, while still inclusive of dancers seeking to begin in a particular style
Level 4 = Formal for-credit course for Grades 9-12
Level 5 = Opportunities for advanced training, open to Grades 9-12, and Level 4 course.
Please review our 2024-2025 TVS Dance Program Guide below! We look forward to having your dancer participate this year!
2024-2025 Performance Dates (featuring all TVS dancers):
Winter Performance:
Friday, December 6, 2024
Spring Performance:
Thursday, April 17, 2025
TVS Dance Performance Handbook 2024-2025
TVS Dance offers a comprehensive dance education for all ages and skill levels. Join our growing program and experience the power of dance!
Information about Dance Styles
General Information
The TVS Dance Studio -- a state-of-the-art facility with a sprung marley floor, aluminum ballet barres, full-length mirrors, and brilliant sound system -- is located in the Upper School, adjacent to Trojan Hall.
A dressing room with locker area is available to female dancers. Male dancers change in the restrooms adjacent to the studio and store their belongings in cabinets located inside the studio. Dancers wear the required attire and hairstyle to every class. Attire information may be found on p. 5 of the Guide, linked above.
Drop-off and pick-up for after-school programming is located at the Upper School carpool circle (different from other Enrichment programming). Your punctuality is appreciated. TVS Dance follows the School calendar, closures, and delays. The billing office issues statements for tuition and fees. Payment information may be found on p. 4 of the Guide, linked above.