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Arts Booster Club

ABC supports the performing, visual, vocal and literary arts in all divisions at TVS. Your membership in ABC helps sponsor workshops, guest speakers, capital purchases, teacher continuing education, art exhibitions, and publicity for shows, not to mention the wonderful refreshments provided after arts events. The members of ABC also help coordinate ticket sales, parent volunteers, and meals for hundreds of students during the Middle and Upper School theatrical productions. With your support, the arts continue to grow at TVS and allow our children to shine.

ABC Board 2024-2025

Executive Board Board Member
President Hilary Cox
President Elect Emily Paslay
Treasurer Brian Gibson
Treasurer-Elect Alissa Ford
Secretary Erin Bales
Parliamentarian Cye Wagner
Past President Julia Yorkston












Dance Liaison Jamie St. Peter
Instrumental Music Liaisons Adele Reeder
Literary Arts Liaison Carrie Brown
LS Fine Arts Liaison Mary Barkley
Technical Theatre Liaison Donna Weth
Visual Arts Liaison Cristy Mayfield
Vocal Music Liaison Laura Gerstle
Banners Bobbie McCurdy
MS Theatrical Arts Liaisons/FMC Dana Schultes
Susannah McClung
MS Theatre Volunteer Wrangler Lenore Price
US Theatrical Arts Liaisons/FMC Diana Garrett
Laura Montgomery
US Theatre Volunteer Wrangler  Natalya Cherry
Theatre Ticketing Committee Trellis Grant
Jennifer Starr
Elizabeth Cutler
Membership Chair & Committee Caryn Snyder
Jen Appleman
Charissa Kumar
Programs Chair & Committee     Natalya Cherry
Brette Corder
Erin Ostenson
Publicity (E-Promotions) Erin Bales