Because financial aid is based on a family's ability to meet the cost of an education at Trinity Valley School, a family will be defined as consisting of both natural parents of the applicant, any step-parent, plus any children from the original marriage along with any children produced by the current marriage. The School will not be bound by the assertion of one parent, including a divorce decree, that he/she is not responsible legally or otherwise for educational expenses. Thus, both parents must provide the information that is requested on the applicatiaon for financial aid that is filed each year with Clarity. If this information is not available at the time the application is evaluated, it may cause an arbitrary assessment of financial need to be made by the school. This may result in a lesser award or no award at all. The enrollment contract including any assistance awarded will be sent to both parents, who must decide how to divide the parents' contribution, and it will be both parents' responsibility to ensure that Trinity Valley School receives payment.