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Trinity Valley School

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Affording TVS

Trinity Valley School attempts to select the most qualified students for admission. To this end, the admission decision is based solely on each student's academic and personal qualities independent of the family's ability to meet the cost of a Trinity Valley School education. For more information on Tuition Assistance, please click here.

2025-2026 Tuition*
Pre-K $17,440 (no tuition assistance is available for Pre-K)
Lower School K-4 $27,770
Middle School 5-8 $28,990
Upper School 9-12 $29,810

*Textbooks and lab fees are included in school tuition.

Payment Options (For Current TVS Families)

Tuition may be paid in one of four ways:

  • Pay in full by February 15
  • Deposit due February 15; 100% of the balance due May 15
  • Deposit due February 15; 60% of the balance due May 15 and the 40% remaining balance due November 15
  • Deposit due February 15; pay with eight monthly drafts May – December (tuition refund insurance and administrative fee are required for the monthly plan)

The School offers tuition refund insurance and student accident insurance.

New Student Registration
(one time) $250

Additional Expenses**
Additional expenses include uniforms that are required for grades K-12. Uniforms are purchased through our uniform vendor and/or the TVS uniform re-sale store. Books are included in tuition. Supplies for grades K-4 are included in tuition. In Middle and Upper School, supplies vary by grade and are purchased individually.

**Please note that there are additional optional expenses not included in this list.

Tax Law Extends 529 Plans To Certain Pre-College Educational Costs

For nearly 30 years, families have been able to use tax-advantaged 529 plans to save for future college costs. The tax law passed in 2017 broadened the use of these plans to include certain costs associated with elementary, middle, and high school education. Please check with a tax adviser or 529 plan operator to see if you might be eligible to take advantage of the law.

The links below are a sampling of articles and websites that might be helpful in learning more about the law’s provisions.

Internal Revenue Service: 529 Plans: Questions and Answers

New York Times Article: Yes, You Really Can Pay for Private School With 529 Plans Now

Reuters Article: U.S. Tax Overhaul Requires New Math for 529 Savings Plans

CNBC Personal Finance Article: Tax Bill Provision Helps Families Save on School Costs and Taxes

Jacob Hayley, Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Aid


Jacob Hayley
Assistant Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
